Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My life!

Some of you guys know me really well and some of you don't! I have been going through a lot of stuff lately that I would like to share! So far I have only told a few people. If you have any negative comments stop reading now. I don't need them! 

    I eat a lot when I'm alone!  When I go to Wal-mart I buy a lot of junk food. I then eat all of it before Manny gets home and then I hide the evidence!  One day it was popcorn chicken, mozzarella sticks, a mountain dew, and a milky way. Another day it was pizza rolls (20 count), 3 chocolate chip cookies, 2 dessert lunchables, and a pop! I ate all of this stuff in one sitting. The whole time I was in Wal-mart I was hoping I wouldn't see anyone I knew. I felt like an addict. I might be one! I believe I'm addicted to food. Some people don't think that's a thing and I do. People are addicted to alcohol, drugs, sex, and a lot of other stuff. Then who is to say you can't be addicted to food? I feel like I can't even go to Wal-mart alone. Now I have to find out what triggers these eating episodes. Once I figure that out I will be able to finally lose weight. Another thing that happens is when I start losing weight something triggers in my head and I start eating junk again. I think some of it is that when the scale shows loss and I don't see any changes it depresses me. Even though I know it's gonna take awhile to see change. My brain just gets fed up I guess and that is what makes me eat. I'm sure it happens to most people that are trying to lose weight. I just need to find out how to get over it. The only time I feel depressed at all is when I think about my weight. I hate being embarrassed about my weight. I'm so ready to get rid of the weight. I'm ready to get Healthy!!!

  I wrote this almost a month ago. I have been doing a little better with this but I still have slip ups. I will post more about how I have felt another time. I can only bare so much of my soul at a time! lol 

God Bless!