Monday, February 13, 2012

Passion of the Christ!

You know every time I watch the passion of the Christ at the end of it I have a million things running through my head. My heart hurts every time I watch it. I always watch it when I think I need to work on my walk with Him. It makes me realize how much we take God from granted. We only have talks with Him or read the bible when we need something from Him. I will admit I do that sometimes. It hurts me to think I do that to Him. My sins drove the nails in His hands and feet. He loved us so much to send Jesus to patch our relationship up with Him. Don't you think that should merit to change things in our lives? I know it makes me want to change everything about my life. It's hard and it's not going to happen over night. It takes time. I still try to live my life for Him every day. If Jesus can die for us so that we can be saved living for Him is the least we can do. We should praise Him in good times and in bad. I know lately I keep telling God that He is in control and I will be ok with whatever He wants to do in my life. That takes some major faith. I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means cause I'm far from it. I just don't know how they could beat Jesus up as bad as they did. It makes me mad. I know it had to happen but why so bad. I guess to show us how bad we are messing up. So that shows us that even though we mess up and sin that God will forgive you if you repent and truly mean it. You can't just say Father please forgive me. You have to put heart and soul into it for Him to know you are telling the truth. I know my thoughts are all over the place but I'm just writing them down as they pop into my head. My favorite bible verse is Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Meaning He never changes. We are the ones that change. You might be walking with Him for awhile then decide to stop for awhile. Though that isn't a good choice He is there waiting for you to come back. He wants to have a relationship with Him so bad that He will stand there and wait for you to come back. He always loves you. He loves everyone. He hates the sin but loves the sinner. What is hard for me to grasp is that to God no sin is greater than another. So when we are telling people that because you are gay that you are going to hell. Well if you lie then you might go to hell. The one thing that drives me insane about christians today is they think they have the right to judge people. God is the only one that has the authority to judge everybody. I know I'm afraid to see what all sins I have committed while I have been alive. I will have my head hung in shame when I stand infront of Him. Even though I live my life for Him I still mess up a bunch. Like I said changing your life doesn't happen overnight.

Anyways I have rambled for awhile so I will stop for now.

God Bless!!!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

On fire for God!

I wanna talk about how on fire for God I used to be. I used to be at the church ever time the doors were open. Then I went off to college and all that changed. I'm not saying I didn't worship Him cause I did. I just wasn't at church much and weren't doing bible studies like I used to. I loved making bible studies for the youth girls in my church. I loved running them. I want to do that again but our church doesn't have a lot of youth at all. I used to get so much out of reading the bible when I did read it. I was looking through some of my old notebooks and I can't believe how smart I was. It amazes me that I used to be like that. I want to get back to that. Which means I need to read my bible more. I'm already started on the going back to church thing. Next week I'm fasting from a few things. I'm gonna replace that stuff with reading my bible more, praying, and listening to christian music. I think it will get me back into the swing of things. Manny and I also need to get back into our devo. I want to do more with my walk with Christ. I had such hopes for me. I really want that back. I remember my youth pastor saying he has never seen anyone so on fire for God. I will admit I fizzled out. But I long for that again. I'm the only one that can change that. I'm going to because that is what God wants and that is what I want. I can't wait for this journey and I hope you guys will come along for the ride. Maybe by me being honest about stuff will help more people want to follow Him. That is what this blog is gonna be more about when I get back from my fast. I do have one more day before the fast begins so I will write again tomorrow. But till then....
Goodnight and God Bless!!!!

My Meme!!!!

My Meme is the most loving person alive! She would do anything for anyone. I want to have the faith she has. She goes to church whenever the doors are open. The only time she doesn't go is if she is sick. I look up to her so much she doesn't even know it. She has been there for me through everything. I used to go to her house during the summers so I didn't have to stay alone with my sister. lol When my sister and I got into a fight one time I went to Meme's house to cool off. I talk to her about everything. She supports me no matter what happens. I wish everyone had someone like her in their lives. I hope to be like that to other people. I want people to know that I will support them no matter what happens. Unless you kill someone lol then we will have issues. I love having family get togethers at her house. She is the most loving person in the world. So when it's her time to go I'm gonna be heartbroken. You won't hear from me for weeks or maybe months. She is like my bestfriend. I'm not gonna think about that right now because that is sad. So on a brighter note Manny is home so I'm gonna go.
 God Bless!!!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My workout!

So it is kinda hard to type right now lol My hands hurt from holding that medicine ball to workout with. I wanted to do more but I could feel my heart beating through my chest. Best to take it slow with the medicine ball I think. I always feel better after I workout even if it isn't for very long. I can see results. The thing I'm looking for is if I'm sore the next day. If I am I know it's working pretty good. I'm so tired now though. I'm just waiting for manny to get home from work. He is a big inspiration for working out. I wish I had the stamina he has. He can push through the pain. I can't. I know I will get there though. Anyway I need to go write in my prayer journal so I will chat with you guys tomorrow!!

     God Bless!!!!

A little bit of this and a little bit of that!

So today I don't really have a topic that I'm going to write about. I might do 2 blogs today. This one though is just the jumbles of my mind. lol 

I really need to get back into working out like I was. I was working out at least twice a day. Now I hardly do 1. I'm still eating healthy and trying to drink more water than pop. I'm still losing weight and inches. So that is still good. I'm not gonna tell you how much I weigh but I will tell you that I've lost almost 20lbs!!! I'm proud of myself. It could be more but it's still a loss! 

I hope I get this job. We could really use this money. I'm also tired of being home all the time. It gets very boring and very lonely. It was ok when my friend Tricia was around cause I had someone to hang out with. She went on the road with her hubby for his work. I don't blame her. They are going to be gone for a month. Which sucks. 

I made some bible verse signs today to hang up in our living room. This is what happens when you don't have the money to buy stuff with bible verses at the christian store. It looks kinda cheap but God knows what is in my heart. Manny and I picked out a lot of verses. I only chose 4 though because I didn't have enough paper. lol We also put up 3 paper signs of some funny church signs. Church signs crack me up. I wish I could be that clever. Someone in my old church used to say that God made me stupid for a reason because if it wouldn't have been for failing trig I wouldn't have found that church. I got baptized for the second time in that church.  I kinda miss that church and then I kinda don't. The way I left was bad but people didn't have to treat me like they did. I still love everyone from that church. I might visit again soon. If they will let me. lol I love my new church though. I'm going to church with my meme and she is a big inspiration to me. I want to be like her in so many ways. Maybe that is what I will write about in my second blog meme!

Anyway thanks for reading the jumbles of my mind!!!!
                      God Bless!!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

In other news!

So I have a job interview on Saturday and I'm way excited!!! Pray that I get it. Manny and I need the money!!! I think it would be cool to work in a video store! I also hope that I get full time instead of part time. But I'm not gonna turn the job done if it's part time. It's still money coming in. I'll take what I can get!

One thing I need to do is finish college. I don't want to work retail for the rest of my life. All I have to say is rose state college screwed me over lol 

In other news I'm trying to lose weight. It's a hard process but it will be worth it in the end. I will be healthier and just happier!

I'm super excited that I'm fasting next week. I will get closer to God and Manny. My wonderful husband has decided that he is going to fast with me! He is even thinking about starting a blog. That would be awesome. Although I wish more people would read mine. lol Oh well. 

Talk to everyone later!
    God Bless!!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just some thoughts

As I sit here writing in my prayer journal I realize that God forgives so much. Yet we can't seem to forgive for the small stuff. We all need to learn that if we would just forgive our lives would be so much better. I know that God has forgiven me for so much stuff its crazy. If people knew how much I have messed up then I know a lot of people wouldn't have given me so many chances to change. I'm not going to go into detail but I am far far far away from being perfect. 

God is awesome! I wish more people would let Him in. They don't even know how much better their lives would be. 

Anyways enough ranting for tonight. It's late. lol 
  God Bless!!!!

The Fast!!!

So I know I haven't really written anything but for the rest of the week I'm gonna try to write everyday. I say this because next week I'm giving up the internet and tv so that I can pray more, read my bible more, and listen to Christian music! I need to get closer to God! Manny and I are doing the love dare together. I'm excited about it! I also can't wait till Feb. 25th!!!!! We are going to winter jam in Tulsa. I'm so excited because Skillet is the main group and I've always wanted to see them live!!!!!! I'm also taking prayer requests so if you guys need them let me know!!!

  Gotta go finish dinner.
      God Bless!!!!
Listening to Klove online!!!!!