Monday, February 13, 2012

Passion of the Christ!

You know every time I watch the passion of the Christ at the end of it I have a million things running through my head. My heart hurts every time I watch it. I always watch it when I think I need to work on my walk with Him. It makes me realize how much we take God from granted. We only have talks with Him or read the bible when we need something from Him. I will admit I do that sometimes. It hurts me to think I do that to Him. My sins drove the nails in His hands and feet. He loved us so much to send Jesus to patch our relationship up with Him. Don't you think that should merit to change things in our lives? I know it makes me want to change everything about my life. It's hard and it's not going to happen over night. It takes time. I still try to live my life for Him every day. If Jesus can die for us so that we can be saved living for Him is the least we can do. We should praise Him in good times and in bad. I know lately I keep telling God that He is in control and I will be ok with whatever He wants to do in my life. That takes some major faith. I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means cause I'm far from it. I just don't know how they could beat Jesus up as bad as they did. It makes me mad. I know it had to happen but why so bad. I guess to show us how bad we are messing up. So that shows us that even though we mess up and sin that God will forgive you if you repent and truly mean it. You can't just say Father please forgive me. You have to put heart and soul into it for Him to know you are telling the truth. I know my thoughts are all over the place but I'm just writing them down as they pop into my head. My favorite bible verse is Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Meaning He never changes. We are the ones that change. You might be walking with Him for awhile then decide to stop for awhile. Though that isn't a good choice He is there waiting for you to come back. He wants to have a relationship with Him so bad that He will stand there and wait for you to come back. He always loves you. He loves everyone. He hates the sin but loves the sinner. What is hard for me to grasp is that to God no sin is greater than another. So when we are telling people that because you are gay that you are going to hell. Well if you lie then you might go to hell. The one thing that drives me insane about christians today is they think they have the right to judge people. God is the only one that has the authority to judge everybody. I know I'm afraid to see what all sins I have committed while I have been alive. I will have my head hung in shame when I stand infront of Him. Even though I live my life for Him I still mess up a bunch. Like I said changing your life doesn't happen overnight.

Anyways I have rambled for awhile so I will stop for now.

God Bless!!!!!!

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