Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 So today a young man killed himself at school. I know the superintendent of stillwater schools is saying she doesn't know if it was from bullying because it wasn't reported. That it would be in there system. Most kids think that if they tell on the person that is doing the bullying things will get worse for them. I know when I was bullied I never told any adults. My friends knew but my parents and or teachers didn't know. It's easy to act like nothing is happening at school at home because your parents aren't there. It really breaks my heart that kids this young are committing suicide. People are just so cruel. It's crazy to think kids that young are so cruel. I wonder where they get it from!!!! Maybe their parents or stuff they watch on tv! There is so much hate in this world that it is unbelievable! These kids feel like they are alone and the only way to make the bullying stop is to commit suicide and thats not the case! If everyone would just show a little bit of love to everyone they met I think the world would be a better place! I just can't get over how many kids have killed themselves because of bullying! It just breaks my heart!

  This is something really strong to me because like I said I was bullied. I got bullied at school and on the bus. All because I was a little over weight. I almost got in trouble one time in 1st grade because someone was making fun of me and I hit him for it. I really did act like it didn't bother me hoping that it would make it stop but it didn't really. It just made them do it more. I'm surprised how much love I have for everyone even though they did that to me. It's all because of Jesus I can tell you that much. If it weren't for having Jesus in my life maybe I would have thought about doing something like that. But I knew that I was never alone because I had Jesus!!! I never thought about killing myself so don't think I did! Never even crossed my mind. I don't even think I knew what that meant when I was teased. Jesus got me through it with His unfailing love! Even though they made fun of me I knew that Jesus loved me for who I was!!! Thank you God for loving each and everyone of us!!!!

So before you start to say something mean to someone stop and think if someone was saying that to you! How would you feel? Look out for each other!!!

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